Sunday, June 01, 2014

Conflicts, Wars: Ntumfor Calls on God to Look Down on the World With Pity


                                                  By Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle


Unfathomable God,
Your children the world over in agony
Come before your throne of grace
With broken hearts bleeding profusely
Having observed and experienced
 With disgust, shock, consternation and deceit
The conflicts/wars that are ravaging the lives
Of millions of your children.
All of these are as a result of
Greed, hatred, power and all forms of manipulation.
Merciful Lord,
We come before you and condemn in the hardest of terms
The recent abduction of nearly 300 school girls
In our neighbouring Northern Nigeria
By a group of religious fundamentalists.
Also, the recent kidnappings in the Northern part of Cameroon
Of some men of God and foreigners
Creating an atmosphere of fear and insecurity.
We also bring before you Lord
The floods, road accidents, disease, poverty and unemployment
That are taking away the lives of millions of your children in African in particular
And the world in general.
Similarly, the level of moral decadence
Corruption, embezzlement, greed and wanton waste of natural resources,
Creating more suffering is brought before your throne of grace.
Is Africa not the richest of the Continents in the world, O Lord?
Why are your children O Lord
Wallowing in total or abject poverty
While a few are immersed in arrogant opulence?
We call on you oh Lord to look down on us with pity.
Gracious Lord,
We learn of mass killings and maiming of your children,
To which the world has given a deaf ear and even fueling them.
Dear God,
We hear of Peace, but peace is a scarce dream.
Merciful Lord,
Your children in Central African Republic, Sudan,
Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq, Palestine, North Korea,
Northern part of Nigeria, etc. are presently witnessing untold blood bath.
All-merciful Father,
We have asked several questions without answers:
Who is manufacturing arms and who is buying them?
Are the arms manufactured meant to kill animals or your children?
Our God of Justice and Peace,
We invite you to cause the destruction of arms in the entire world;
To halt the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
We pray for your love to reign in the world.
With the presence of your Love, there would be Justice
With Justice, there would be Peace
With Peace, your children will live in Harmony,
Loving one another and exploiting the huge resources
 You have blessed them with for their common good.
Eternal God,
Teach world leaders to be humble and to fear You
As this is the beginning of wisdom.
Teach them how to build Peace, how to share Peace,
How to preach Peace, how to be reconciled with one another,
How to forgive one another and how to live in total harmony with one another.
Prince of Peace,
Come to our hearts.
You said in Your Word in 2Chronicles 7:14
That if your people who are called by your name,
Seek your face, pray and confess their sins,
You will hear their prayer, forgive them and heal their land.
Lord, may You hear our prayer and heal the world.
We pray that the Clergy, Laity and all your children
Should get on their knees, come to you with contrite hearts
And call upon You to heal the world.
Our Loving Father, we are equally sick to see huge resources
That could be used for the good of your children
Wasted in the purchase of arms and the recruitment of armies in Africa.
Lord, please change this order.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.
Our Alpha and Omega,
Teach your children to understand
That no one has the right to take away lives.
We know that You will bring everything under control
As nothing can ever be above You.
If You are for us, who can be against us.
Lord, we are waiting for your transformational grace
On us all in the world.
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

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