Sunday, December 04, 2016

Why Biya Must Repent Now...A Word To A Wise...

By Angie Forbin

Angie Forbin
BIYA may want to begin to take a second look at the marginalization of Anglophones .It seemed smart for him to have operated by divide and rule making the best of rivalries and enmities that existed among some Cameroonians from the North West and South West Regions. As a result there's a tendency for him to think that things can't get worse than a few uncoordinated protests here and there. But times are changing is what he may not be seeing. Lawyers have taken to the streets. That's something that no right thinking government wants to brush under the carpet. Anglophones from all walks of life are beginning to catch the
Paul Biya, Cameroon's President
strike fire as well. If a strong leader were to emerge and take the forefront of these cries of 'Enough' ... Our president may wake up to an 'it's too late' reality. Anglophones are the better 
half of Cameroon in every sense of the expression. Without Anglophones Cameroon loses her English French bilingual identity she shares with only Canada in the entire world. Without the Anglo part of Cameroon ... La Republique loses the oil rich Bakassi, and SONARA refinery as such SNH and CSPH become meaningless and Biya's princely life style could be terribly affected. La Republique loses the pride of the Chariot of gods / Mount Cameroon, one of the world's highest peaks which sits majestically in Buea ... A quality English sub system of education which is by far superior to the French sub system will also be lost as part of the identity of La Republique. And I'm being modest with these few examples.

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