Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Too many job opportunities exist unexploited – Employment Delegate

Too many job opportunities exist unexploited Employment Delegate
South West Regional Delegate of Employment and Vocational Training, Igondoh John Atosoh has said there are unexploited opportunities at his service that many Cameroonians are unaware of.
Speaking to The Sun Newspaper, he said gone are those days when employment meant the availability of white-collar jobs.
“Today, vocational training g is the order of the day. We need motor mechanics, electricians, builders and woodworkers to make life enjoyable. Vocational training can conveniently put food on your table,” Igondoh Atosoh said.
According to him, those who are jobless should always stop by the delegation to find out the many opportunities that are available at his delegation.
“Get to us at anytime and find out. There are so many job opportunities that are given out by the ministry. Presently, the scholarships for 2013 were released in September for over a thousand trainees paid by the ministry. After the training, trainees could be employed by companies or could be self-employed,” the employment delegate said.
He said his ministry is out to promote job creation, given that government cannot conveniently provide jobs for everybody.
On how much support one can get from the ministry of employment and vocational training, the delegate said it depends on the discipline or trade, but assured members of the public that the opportunities are many.
“I want to call on job seekers to come to our delegations and fill the job seekers card. From there, we can now know the numbers of jobseekers in our area, so that when job opportunities come, we can get across to them with respect to their competence,” he advised.
He went on to call on prospective employers to follow laid down procedure, by consulting his service when there are job opportunities.
“We shall only be there to guide them, not to impose on them. We have so many activities that the public is very reluctant to come and know. PIASSI is there giving out loans and the young people are not coming to get these loans,” the employment delegate pinpointed.
The delegate said the creation of Vocational Training Centre in Limbe is government’s own way to promote vocational training.
He revealed that the Rural Artisan and Home Economics Centres (SAR/SM) under the department of vocational training and guidance of his ministry are being transformed into Trades Training Centres.
The program, he said, seeks to offer non-agricultural training in rural areas.

 SW Delegate of Employment and Vocational Training, Igondoh John Atosoh

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